Wednesday 8 February 2012

Training and Nutrition Tips

1. Impatient

Rome wasnt built in a day. So dont expect to be big and muscular after a few days or weeks of training. A good physique take months and sometimes years to obtain.
Many especially beginners spend 3-4 hours everyday training hard in the gym because they think that more is better. This practice may not only halt their progress but may also lead them into injury because of overtaining. Remember you dont grow in the gym. Growth occurs during sleep. So take a day or 2 off after training intensive for a few days and make sure to get at least 7 hours of quality sleep a day.

2. Lifting too heavy

Leave your ego outside of the gym. We are no powerlifters. The strongest guy in the gym doesnt necessary have the best physique. Poundages is important but DO NOT sacrifice form just for the sake of lifting heavy. Dont lift heavy by jerking or swinging just to impress the girl working out next to you! Remember always do full range of motion from point A (full contraction) to B (full extension) and focus more on the eccentric (negatives) part of the motion. Remember Mind and muscle connection!

3. Consistency

Consistency in training, nutrition and recuperation is the key to achieving your goals in bodybuilding. Repeat, repeat, and repeat over a long period of time is almost guarantee you to get positive results. Train, Eat, Sleep and repeat is one of the best mottos in bodybuilding.

4. Cardio

Many especially the locals think that cardio is not important. Its important in the off season as well as pre contest phase. Its important to keep your 6 pack visible in the off season and burn the stubborn fat around the waist and butt (women) when preparing for a contest. Its also good for the heart and cuts and striations on the quads, hams and butt on contest day!

5. Nutrition and Supplements

Many spend 2-3 hours in the gym training hard but neglect their nutrition and supps. We are what we eat. If we eat good we look good. Its as simple as that. As a rule of thumb, 45% carbs, 40% protein and 15 % fat is the typical diet for bodybuilders and fitness buffs. However, this figure may vary based on individual needs/goals.
The basic supps like whey protein, glutamine, creatine, multi vits is a must in every bodybuilder's arsenal. These are the boosters sometimes food just can provide. If you want the extra energy and push in the gym, then opt for the above supps. Cheers and happy training to all. Stay healthy!

Wong Hong (Mr.Universe)


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